On Self-Care

The general topsy-turvy feeling that has been the state of our world for the past 6 months seems to be magnified by this succession of grey, rainy days we’ve had in the Midwest. Even the way we are experiencing stress has shifted. Prior to this worldwide pandemic, our burnout was from going 100mph all the time, rushing from this thing to that. So initially, the stay-at-home slowdown was a healing salve for our open energetic wound. Now, it seems that the perpetual work-from-home situation (no doubt intensified by many of our kids learning virtually) has tipped our stress scales out Keep reading…

The Ol’ Sunscreen in the Eye

Has it ever happened to you? You do your part and lather on the SPF…only to sweat later and **BAM** you’re squinting through a stinging eye. And it seems to last FOR-EV-ER (please say you heard Squints say this from The Sandlot). Mike – my awesomely crazy husband – ran a relay race last weekend. For 24 hours, each team of runners takes turns running anywhere from three to nine miles. Awesome. But crazy. And I can only imagine how smelly their team vans must be… On one of his legs of the race, he experienced the dreaded sunscreen-in-your-eye-sting. For three Keep reading…