Vulnerability and Cleaning House

What do vulnerability and cleaning my house have to do with each other, you might ask… Oh man. More than you’d expect. Let me elaborate. I have been working on stretching the limits of my comfort zone lately. It’s exhilarating but also freakin’ terrifying. Today, I marinated in the outskirts of that zone for a fair amount of time — in front of other people, even! — and I am hilariously both having an authentic reaction and observing my reactions with interest. After my out-of-zone experience, I immediately found myself feeling vulnerable; I felt nervous that I wasn’t perfect (a Keep reading…

Live Like a Warrior

“What’s a warrior?” I’m driving my daughter home from pre-school when this question floats up from the back seat. As it is my common response to interesting / complex questions, I asked, “What do you think, honey?” Her thoughts were what most of us probably envision when we conjure an image for a warrior – “Someone who fights.” (Full disclosure: this conversation began from her thinking about “Kung Fu Panda,” but naturally, I used it as an opportunity to highlight the multidimensionality of what it means to be brave, strong, and courageous.) 🙂 Someone who fights in the interest of Keep reading…