
Live Like a Warrior

“What’s a warrior?” I’m driving my daughter home from pre-school when this question floats up from the back seat. As it is my common response to interesting / complex questions, I asked, “What do you think, honey?” Her thoughts were what most of us probably envision when we conjure an image for a warrior – “Someone who fights.” (Full disclosure: this conversation began from her thinking about “Kung Fu Panda,” but naturally, I used it as an opportunity to highlight the multidimensionality of what it means to be brave, strong, and courageous.) 🙂 Someone who fights in the interest of Keep reading…

Leaf Piles

It’s fall in Kansas City and the leaves have begun to float merrily down to the ground. The kids were playing outside and I thought, “I could be so awesomely productive right now — I’m going to clear the leaves from the sidewalk and driveway! It’s going to look FANTASTIC!” So I grab a broom (because I didn’t want to waste time trying to figure out the leaf blower) and begin pushing. [insert “Whistle While You Work” here] About a minute into my pile-making, my little man approaches. He has a shopping cart that he’s been pushing around. He stops Keep reading…